"The Comedy Companion" is the world's first productivity tool for Stand-Up Comedians. Manage your jokes, organize them into set lists, and track performances all in one place. The currently available features are:
- Track solid bits as well as those you're currently working on
- Associate detailed notes with each bit
- Associate a length in minutes and seconds with each joke and estimate set list lengths as you build them
- Create set lists with ease, dragging and dropping jokes into place, and track their estimated length
- Track every show you perform, which set list was used, the venue performed at including city and state
- Reorder everything on the fly as well as search for specific keywords in your bits
- Record the audio for your shows or simply time them with a full screen timer
- Export all Jokes and Set Lists to any email address of your choosing.
The entire project is open-sourced as well, so if you can code in React Native you can help make it better! Visit our support URL today for information on how you can get involved.